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Community ExecutiveMemberNoobJul-22-2013 1:43 AMTwo new videos of Pacific Rim:
In the first one [b]"The Digital Artistry of Pacific Rim"[/b], Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam, Guillermo del Toro and Thomas Tull the producer, talk about the CGI work and Guillermo’s work on Pacific Rim.
Be sure to take a look of the video, [url=]Pacific Rim - "The Digital Artistry of Pacific Rim"[/url]
The second one [b]"Legendary Set Visit" Featurette[/b] it is about the making of the alley's scene and Mako,
I’ve enjoyed both videos, but the scene of Mako’s memories it was to me amazing; and it was really good see to Guillermo del Toro directing to [url=]Mana Ashida [/url] (young Mako) they made an excellent team!
And here is the [url=] "Legendary Set Visit" Featurette[/url] video.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you
5 Replies

MemberNoobJul-22-2013 11:02 AMThe girl who played young Mako has her own video of the making of her scene in the movie with the actual clip. My thread, "Most emotional scene" has a link to it.

Admin2KJul-22-2013 1:00 PMThanks AL! Also, love the training academy link, nice to hear Ellen McLain (GLaDOS) as the Jaeger A.I.

Community ExecutiveMemberNoobJul-22-2013 2:33 PMah! a pleasure ;)
I can't wait to go to see it again, I don't go to see a movie more than once, but I will take another night off. Pacific Rim really worth it.
@Svanya haha yes, there is a lot of things to do there , I have my PPDC credential generated by the PPDC Psyche test. :P
@ thedude link link, please ;)
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

MemberNoobJul-23-2013 1:34 AMMemories! I need to see this movie again. That scene was beautiful, thanks for sharing this **Al**

Community ExecutiveMemberNoobJul-24-2013 12:51 PM:D yes I'm going to repeat this one. uw ;)
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you
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