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MemberNoobJul-12-2013 8:31 AMhey all! what did you all made as for fan-kaiju/jaegers and what are their names and CAT/MARK's??
tell me!
5 Replies

MemberNoobJul-12-2013 3:39 PMMy fan jaegar is the Canadian: great white north (NO STEALING also i cant upload it) since im from canada, I might as well have made a Canadian kaiju adapted to the colder water climates...
Vancouver (its name being Vancouver's the first place it attacked)
Shape: takes on the shape, close to that of an orca, but about a million times larger, almsot completly balc, except for a few Pure white lines following along the back and the belly, they make 2 circles right around the eyes of the creature these circles continue in just lines over and over again, until it takes on a look of orca, with the normal tail and dorsal fin of an orca from above it could be easily mistaken for one, but it has 2 legs and 2 arms,
special ability: besides an ear piercing song, (an orcas noise is called a song) its special ability, is that it can eject a sort of missile like thing out of its bow hole, this "missile" has the ability to disable a jaegar electronically and physically, with EMP powers it can shut one down, then explode inside it, very few jaegars ever survive this, for it must be caught, or destroyed before it releases the EMP.
Vancouver is a category 5 kaiju
due to canada being a bit of a distance away from the bigger kaiju battles, PPDC built a shatter dome on canadas shores, which fell into the governments hands, they started with 24 jeagars, double each province/territory, With more and more threats rising, they fell to 12 jaegars, one of them was great white north...
(most of the kaiju that attack canada, are based off of sea creatures and land creatures in canada)
2 Other kaiju i came up with
Bronco this takes on the form of a horse, but with a lot meaner kick
and one that looks like a lobster...
all meh ideas
Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

MemberNoobJul-13-2013 4:51 AMYou know, I've thought alot about creating my own Jaeger, and decided to create my own, most likely like nearly everyone who has seen the movie. Anyways, I call mine Paladin Theta. It's generally a brown in color, with large, bulky arms and a somewhat disproportionately sized torso. It is adept at dealing with near to mid-ranged Combat. It's head somewhat resembles a Knight's Helmet (hence earning the name "paladin") Like Gipsy Danger, It possesses swords on each arm that can be used for combat, but in exchange for plasma cannons, it has been equipped with an experimental railgun for ranged attacks. Paladin is a Mark 4 Jaegar, Seconded only by Striker Eureka.

MemberNoobJul-14-2013 8:38 PMi want to make my own too! but im about to post a thread related to that myself :)

Royal Archon
MemberNoobJul-24-2013 5:06 PMI'm hoping the next Pacific Rim is based in the Atlantic (Atlantic Rim?) As I'm British and I've started designing my own Jaeger called [b]Royal Archon[/b] failing that and it's still based in the Pacific Rim my Pacific Jaeger is called Orion Tempest.

MemberNoobNov-29-2013 8:53 PMI've thought of a rather expensive, yet powerful jaeger of my own. Mine comes from Japan, and is given the name Densetsu No Hikari (Light of the Legend), with armoring made entirely of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, (ultimate tensile strength = 11000 - 63000 GPa) with a layer of Graphene over the nanotubes, (ultimate tensile strength = 130000 GPa). Assuming jaegers are made of titanium, and weighing on average 2000 tons, Densetsu would weigh only 800 tons, move faster and take harder hits than even Striker... Or at least I hope.
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