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MemberNoobJul-11-2013 6:10 AMThe title tells it all, the game includes the five jaegers we see in film, but the gam reveals something more... More kaiju , none yet seen in the film, I haven't played the game yet but by looking at some screen shots I can already tell...
The game is out on apple market but not sure about android and other device stores
Now a con that I've found without even playing it other then it's price.... I'd that the game has a lot of requirements, which really sucks because I'm willing to fork up the five bucks to play, the game is incompatible with all I pods and many iPads.... Which sucks for me because that's all I got In terms of apple products... ;"( I could cry...
Other then that 0, it's a more defended version of the online jaeger simulator, only now you can accessorize and do much more to your jaeger...
I'd tell you more but as I mentioned its highly specific and class for precise requirements thus I haven't played it yet... ;"(
If you happen to play it leave your review of it below!!!
Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way
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