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MemberNoobJul-08-2013 3:06 AMI've recently discovered that the Kaiju may be Silicon based rather than carbon based. This kinda confuses me. If the Kaiju are Silicon based, how are they interacting with water? I've learned from several sources that Silicon reacts violently with water. At least the only kind that could substitute for carbon. and as we all know, the Kaiju are all VERY comfortable with water. it would also mean that their bodies would be stiffer by comparison, and wouldn't be able to move the way they do in the movie. This also seems very tacked on and all around unneeded to me. What do you guys think about this? As far as I'm concerned, that whole concept is a load of ****. I love the Kaiju, but this detail, I could definitely live without.
15 Replies
MemberNoobJul-08-2013 8:28 AMI read the same. Still the other factor is they are a genetically engineered bio weapon by aliens. They would have figured out this problem when making the kaiju.
MemberNoobJul-08-2013 10:13 AMIt might have something to do with phosphorus (kaiju mouth glows in dark), since phosphorus doesen't react with water much.
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MemberNoobJul-08-2013 10:41 AMI read something about how these kaiju are sent. They're pitted against each other first, maybe as a species. All the Leatherbacks fight each other, and so on for the other kaiju and the best one who wins is sent out to Earth.
I'm curious on the kaiju in this movie. Leatherback seems to be the only one with an energy weapon. What of the others?
MemberNoobJul-09-2013 3:12 AMPhosphorus? I don't know about that. Bioluminescence in most animals that I know of comes from glowing bacteria housed inside the creatures body. perhaps several of the kaiju's bodily fluids contain this bacteria, and use it as a defense mechanism (it's possible that the bacteria produce destructive chemicals that can't harm the kaiju but act as a bioweapon. In a similar way of how a xenomorph uses it's acidic blood to it's advantage.).
MemberNoobJul-09-2013 4:31 AMFrom what I've seen, the bioluminescence may be more of just a way for the creatures creators to track them outside of the Rift.
Although, I like your idea Jared.
MemberNoobJul-09-2013 6:27 PMI really have to correct the vast misunderstandings in this thread.
First, silicon would not be in a pure form in the Kaiju. Silicon is able to bond in a similar manner to carbon, which is why it is suspected to be another possible (though less likely) base for life (in astrobiology, etc.).
Silicon compounds are not the same as silicon, just as carbon compounds are not the same as carbon. Otherwise you would be wondering why carbon based lifeforms aren't all black. This means that simply wikipedia searching silicon does not paint an accurate picture. For example, sand is primarily silicon dioxide. Last time I checked, sand wasn't violently reacting with water.
Finally, bioluminescence in bacteria is chemical. Bacteria are made from chemicals too, so just saying that "bacteria are the source of bioluminescence" kind of ignores all the other parts of it. Kaiju may be glowing because of several possible chemicals.
MemberNoobJul-09-2013 6:35 PMAlso, I have a pure chunk of silicon on my shelf that I just tested by dropping in water. No reaction.
You may be thinking of Sodium, or another of the metals on the far left side of the periodic table. Those metals violently react with water, and must be stored under oil in order to prevent slowly reacting with the air itself (latent moisture).
MemberNoobJul-09-2013 10:56 PMa chunk of silicon is different from silicon compounds (you said it, not me.), so dropping a chunk of it in water wouldn't technically prove anything. Also, I had actually learned about the silicon reacting with water violently from Wikipedia, a chemistry website, my science teacher, and an episode of jimmy neutron I saw when I was younger. And all of the sources I researched seem to say the same thing about the bonding form of silicon.
Also, I never said that it was JUST bacteria. It was just the only form of biological luminescence that I've ever heard of.
MemberNoobJul-10-2013 12:05 AMI also listed a compound that doesn't react (silicon dioxide, sand). I took the time to check, and of the common silicon compounds (that would be relevant) only two react with water, and not even violently. Also, these two would not form large molecules required for life. The silicon halides may be what you were hearing about, but those are fluids, and do not form lengthy bonds.
Honestly, the vast majority of silicon compounds are nonreactive with water, and some even used to waterproof things. Kaiju would not be inherently weak against water (and in fact, may be inherently more resilient to water due to their chemistry).
I mean, most of my work was hands on, and I kind of did this stuff for a job, and studied this for a few years in college. Going into medicine now, so I won't pretend it is my current focus, but I can assure you with about 99% accuracy that you were either told this about the halides (which would not be the building blocks of a kaiju... and halides of any sort are pretty reactive so silicon halides aren't special) or you were told this about alkali metals and are not remembering correctly.
MemberNoobJul-10-2013 9:01 AMI just suggested phosphorus since biolumisence can glow during the day time too but it's very dim (correct me if I'm wrong). But kaiju is a unknown life form so who knowa how he has glowing features :D,
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MemberNoobJul-10-2013 3:07 PMNope. Bioluminescence is only either active or visible when the creature is in a dark environment.
Community ExecutiveMemberNoobJul-15-2013 2:58 PMThis it was something people in Promethus forums tried to dicuss about it, long time ago, how the lifeforms can be use another elements beyond the C.
[quote]Bioluminescence is a process that occurs in living organisms, in which the energy generated by a chemical reaction occurs as light. Luciferase enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of luciferin protein substrate that emits light.
The chemiluminescent reaction is known: one light emitting reaction that produces heat, which makes it efficient in terms of energy.[/quote]
But, all assumptions are based on carbon-based life..
besides, Kaiju are silicon-based, no made of silicon, as we are no just carbon, thats a huge difference.
Both are right about what you guys are exposing, but there is a difference between an element and a compound. Is why the word is silicon-based life.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you
MemberNoobAug-04-2013 11:57 AMEveryone please disregard he who thinks and fights for the idea that silicon reacts violently with water.
I'll start with a nice chart
The only notable more silicon based compound than any other is Silicontetrachloride. it is the only highly silicon based compound that reacts violently and the chlorine outweighs the silocon by more than 5 to 1.
Does chlorine react violently? My pool sure doesn't think so....
Furthermore silicon has been used as a sealant in many submerged applications. Fish tanks, snorkels, heck even submarines use silicon as a sealant.
If you really wanted to get down to it, "violently reacts creating silicic acid" sure sounds like something kaiju blue would be no?
I loved the way they chose silicon as a base of life form. Can you imagine the flexibility of thick armor made primarily of silicone with a possible carbon based bone structure behind it? As a practitioner of mma I would KILL for a silicon based jaw.
Being that silicon distributes energy at such a drastically different way to carbon, I can only assume that would carry over.
Good luck knocking me out mofos's!
MemberNoobAug-04-2013 11:59 AMI'll add, the point in my opinion or at least the fun part.
I seeing how we can bend science to agree with the movie rather than discredit it.
It is after all a monster movie, if it was anything other than hypothetical we may be building giant monsters and mechs instead of tanks
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