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MemberNoobJun-24-2013 10:21 AMI had this amazing idea for a Pacific Rim xbox kinect game. Although Del Toro intentionally made this Jaeger with two pilots for a movie, there's no doubt about that, this would be integrated in a xbox or PS4 game. But what would be awesome is that there should be an xbox kinect game version of Pacific Rim, where two players can be used as left and right brain, and they both use hand motion and leg motion to kick the Kaiju's ass. They can be either in the head of the kaiju or just seeing the robot. What do you guys think? How cool would this game be?
4 Replies

Community ExecutiveMemberNoobJun-24-2013 8:21 PMhaha.. I think it would be pretty funny, i've had bad experiences with the use of the kinect in group :P, but it could be interesting, of course I wouldn't play it with my partner.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

MemberNoobJun-25-2013 10:09 AMAs much as I hate the Kinect, that doesn't sound like a bad idea for a game. Of course, Steel Battalion seemed like it would be great too, and we all know how that turned out.
�That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.� ~ H.P. Lovecraft

MemberNoobJul-16-2013 3:47 AMI had the same idea yesterday! Basically you can have a cool story from both sides. plus muultiplayer, 2v2,3v3,4v4 online battles where its Jaegers vs Kaijus, no jaeger vs jaeger or kaiju vs kaiju. and massive maps to play on. The kaijus could make use of swimming under water and the jaegers have swords and spinning disks and stuff.
Also, my favourite idea, is playing a coop story mode with a friend over XBL. Where you both have to sychronise everything!! it would be so cool, but they wont do it :(

MemberNoobJul-16-2013 3:13 PMmybf and i had the same idea, i told another member about it last night lol... except we chose a WII U instead... cus we love our nintendos
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