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Admin2KJun-18-2013 9:08 PMRutger Hauer arrives early at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Milan. There, a restricted number of journalists and students met the deep and glacial gaze of the legendary replicant Roy Batty, the character who went down in the history of cinema with "that" sentence that we have all said, at least once in our lifetime: «...I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...». The 30th anniversary of "Blade Runner", milestone of science fiction cinema and unquestioned masterpiece by Ridley Scott, is one of the reasons why Hauer was in Milan. In our report, the Dutch actor retraces the crucial moments of that extraordinary cinematographic experience.
[url=]Rutger Hauer and Blade Runner - "30 years ago I saw the future" Link Here[/url]
8 Replies

MemberNoobJun-18-2013 11:42 PMRutger's perception of BR is always interesting to examine, as it comes-off quite variant compared to that of Ridley's at times. And that would the part of Roy that is him, LOL.
Thanks Svanya. ^_^
Bonus link:
[url=]30th Ann. BR Panel[/url]

Co-AdminMemberNoobJun-19-2013 1:09 AMRutger is so amazing, and yes very much 1/2 of Roy... 30 years later as he puts it, and devices within BR are coming into focus now
[url=]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

Co-AdminMemberNoobJun-19-2013 1:11 AMNice additive Sawa, love it!
[url=]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

MemberNoobJun-19-2013 7:34 AMHi Svanya
I watched this on youtube but was blown away by one comment underneath, here it is,
tiffsaver 3 weeks ago
I had the pleasure (and pain) to work on Bladerunner as a utility stuntman. I was either riding a bicycle, or driving one of those futuristic cars (actually Volkswagens underneath), and will never forget the experience. Ridley's sets were so realistic that simply working on it was a memory I shall never forget. When I asked Rutger why he did that funny face after killing Tyrell, he told me his thought was: "I'm a very, very bad boy," like a little kid who did something wrong. What a choice!
maybe you could contact 'tiffsaver' because he worked on bladerunner and conduct a rare interview to find out about things only he would know and see if he is who he claims to be
fishkettlebanana =D

MemberNoobJun-19-2013 7:34 AMjust wondering if it would be a good idea to try and find more staff that worked on the movie willing to give their insights

MemberNoobJun-20-2013 2:09 PMDouble wow!! Rutger admitted that he was angry at himself as an actor when he did the film. That sort of explains his powerful performance to me....and we've been talking to one of the films staff members and we didn't even know it :)
Fishkettlebanana,I was wondering,did they use two different "station wagons" in the film? You see Deckard in the tunnel with his personal vehicle then you see the same vehicle again but its painted as a police car.
Also,I'm envious. Wish I had credentials like yours to put on a resume :)

MemberNoobJun-21-2013 7:23 AMhi Djrees
here is the answer to the vehicle problem, there were definately two, so I'm thinking one is for deckard at work and one is for the police and neither were at any time the same car retro-fitted
the above photos are the police vehicle you are talking about
and here is a completely different car for Deckard
as for my resume, thank you you are most kind, however my resume no matter what it is is no good in this country, I am still struggling to find work in the recession. Art of any kind is looked down on in Britain unless you happen to be one of these modern artists with a skill only in B*llsh*t. thanks though, it lifts the spirit to have someone appreciate what you do
fishkettlebanana =D

MemberNoobJun-23-2013 10:55 PMThanks for answering my question fishkettlebanana :)
I know a few artists in Canada that would agree with your statement.Our government is actually cancelling art and music programs at colleges across the country which is effecting alot of artists jobs.
The college in my city had its art/music programs cancelled and replaced with a hockey team.They already have two teams.
Its like someone pressed the "Lets go back to the stoneage" button on Parliament Hill.
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