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Travlis AdminMemberNoobJun-08-2013 12:40 AMHow familiar are you with the work of Kip Thorne? How do you believe his theories will transcend into Interstellar?
1 Replies

MemberNoobOct-01-2013 6:55 PMAs a former student of Kip, I have been exposed to some of the compelling science he does. The images he constructed for us remain vivid in my mind. The sadness of a universe that is empty in the first order approximation, followed by the excitement that the minuscule perturbations known as galaxies that occupy this vast void still contain an unfathomable number of wonders. Giant loops of vibrating plasma surrounding a rotating neutron star whose booming acoustic oscilations would deafen an observer were they not protected by the harsh vacuum of space. The nightmare of watching your friend's image frozen at the event horizon of a supermassive black hole. The frustration of knowing your friend is being drawn forward in time that points to the crushing singularity. A glimmer of hope that said singularity might bring your friend in a new universe. The marvel of rapidly rotating black holes that contain so much energy that if only a fraction of a percent could harnessed it would provide power that would dwarf the stellar radiation of an entire galaxy. These are just a few of the amazing things that occupy Kip's thoughts. I don't know how these theories will be expressed in Interstellar, but if Christopher Nolan, writers, cast and crew can transfer even a fraction of Kip's visions to the silver screen it will be a breathtaking sight to behold.
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