Prefered version of Blade Runner

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MemberNoobMay-30-2013 5:26 AM
Blade Runner questionnaire for public 1. Do you prefer the director’s cut of Blade runner, if so why? 2. Do you prefer the theatrical released version of Blade Runner, if so why? 3. Do you prefer Sir Ridley Scott’s final cut version of Blade Runner, if so why? 4. Did you like the narrative voiceover from Deckard within the theatrical version? 5. What would you say is the most widely accepted version of Blade Runner? 6. Do you feel the use of music is one of the key focuses on Blade Runner? 7. What do you think could have been improved in Blade Runner, if anything please state what and why? 8. Any other comments?
3 Replies


MemberNoobMay-30-2013 9:56 AM
I liked them all for different reasons but the final cut seemed to fix all the problems that were still there. The music I think was so essential that Ridley scott said all along that it is vital to the mood of any film he makes. He even stated that after a long shoot he would go over to Vangelis' recording studio to relax and see how the music was developing. Vangelis went above and beyond for the soundtrack at nemo studios, he created tiny sounds for every scene that weren't even supposed to be part of the soundtrack but a part of the background sound effects. as for what could be better, I think the stars aligned for this movie and he captured lightning in a bottle. I don't think it could be improved to be honest


Admin2KJun-01-2013 5:33 AM
My answers for the Blade Runner questionnaire for public; I did not answer them all. 1. Do you prefer the director’s cut of Blade runner, if so why? A: I do, it removed the horrid narration but left the rest of the movie almost exactly as it was originally but for the changed ending with Rachel. 4. Did you like the narrative voiceover from Deckard within the theatrical version? A: I never liked it, I felt it was almost condescending. 5. What would you say is the most widely accepted version of Blade Runner? A: I would imagine it's the Final Cut. That is the version most people say they enjoyed the most. 6. Do you feel the use of music is one of the key focuses on Blade Runner? A: The music is almost more important than the spoken word in this movie. The visuals are the heart and the music is the soul of the movie.


MemberNoobJun-06-2013 2:10 PM
thanks for you feedback really helpful. :)
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