Moral themes of Blade Runner

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MemberNoobMay-30-2013 5:24 AM
Questionnaire on themes in Blade Runner 1. What are your thoughts on Blade runner and do you like it? 2. Is blade runner morally sound in depicting the influence and power of large corporations, the omnipresence of the police and the control of humans by biomedical systems? 3. What are the consequences of the replicants and their implanted memories? 4. Is blade runner immoral in depicting the planet as dystopian and presenting the human race as selfish, unlike the replicants who work collectively, is it acceptable that the film asks us to reassess what it means to be human? 5. What are the negative impacts of humans mastering genetic engineering and can humans and robots live together co-operatively? 6. What are the implications of technology on the environment and does Blade runner reinforce a negative view of society when watched? 7. Blade runner raises many questions about the human condition, for example can you describe to me your definition of what reality is? 8. What does it mean to be human and has any themes from blade runner resonated within you? 9. The interpretation that Deckard is a replicant is challenged by some fans who believe the unicorn imagery shows that the characters, whether human or replicant, share the same dreams and recognize their affinity or that the absence of a decisive answer is crucial to the film's main theme. Do you feel that The inherent ambiguity and uncertainty of the film, as well as its textual richness, permit fans from knowing the true meaning of the film? 10. What do you feel are the strengths of Blade runner? 11. What do you feel are the weaknesses and flaws in Blade runner? 12. If you have any other information which you would like to add then that would be kindly appreciated.
2 Replies


MemberNoobMay-30-2013 10:16 AM
I think Blade Runner showed us a vision of the future that wasn't "shiny and hollywood". it asked questions of us and it was a more disturbing view of the future. What a view though! I'm glad it did, it took the sheen off all these pristine depictions of the future that we had at the time and made us focus on the moral ambiguity of the human soul. the film is still an escapist fantasy though, and I'm glad that we still don't live in this depiction of society. Philip Dick was an expert on what is or isn't human. I love the way he takes a large canvas and makes you focus on a tiny area of it. He wasn't cocerned so much with technology or large arenas, large space battles or world saviours. he was concerned with stories so small that they might go unnoticed because they happened in empty buildings, tiny apartments or small dingy back alleys and didn't necessarily belong to the future but could happen to anyone. as for the questions on what is moral and immoral according to science or society, the film is still a beautiful reminder that even escapism can be taken seriously or left alone when the credits roll. corporations and capitalism are the new gods that are not only ruling our world but destroying it too. I don't think Blade Runner has any weaknesses. people talk about it being weak on plot next to the visuals but I don't agree. and think it is just as rich as the visuals in the film. this film is like an onion, every layer reveals new depths and new questions. does it resonate with me, absolutely but I can't pin it down to specific answers and it will resonate with me for the rest of my life.


MemberNoobJun-06-2013 2:31 PM
great comments and mucho appreciated.
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