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MemberNoobMay-08-2013 11:09 PMIve been a bladerunner fan for along time , but Ive always wondered why the city was in darkness. Since then I have read the book "do androids dream of electric sheep" . Apparently the cause of the darkness is fallout from the terminus war and its radioactive dust. But since there is no light how do things grow? Perhaps they get food from of world colonies or it is grown under UV lights. Wouldn't the radioactive dust make the planet uninhabitable
Is this evidence that everyone on the planet is an android?
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"
6 Replies

Admin2KMay-08-2013 11:36 PMHiya pulserifle187, nice to see you here. That is a great question. Basically, the sick and poor are stuck on Earth while the rich and healthy have moved offworld to the Mars colonies at the request of the U.N. in the hopes of preserving the human race. The people stuck on earth are slowly dying of radiation poisoning and their genes are getting corrupted by the nuclear fallout leftover from the war. Everything on Earth is left to die, forgotten, in favor of Mars and the people there so I imagine food production and it's quality are not really considered important anymore. I don't remember much mention about food production in the book, but I do remember Isidore (Sebastian in the movie) talking about bean curd being a luxury. One thing is for sure, that the majority of inhabitants of earth are human, which makes their fate all the more poignant.

MemberNoobMay-09-2013 2:25 AM@svanya. It was put to me along time ago by an associate, that everyone on the planet was an android. Myself I was pretty sure the they were all humans, with androids in hiding. I guess that I'm looking for evidence to support his claim.
I never thought of the planet dying, that makes me look at it in a different way. Is mars the only colony?
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

Admin2KMay-09-2013 2:48 AM@pulserifle187; To answer the question you basically have to separate the movie and the book. They are two very separate entities. In the book, it is 100% sure the inhabitants of Earth are human, that was the whole point of the book, to show the crappy state of the planet and the human condition, the extinction of animals and all life because of war and man's folly. In the movie, the inhabitants could very well be replicants though, I guess that is up to Ridley and the writers. I am not sure if Mars is the only colony. I haven't read the book in ages, it's time i re-read it. :D

MemberNoobMay-09-2013 2:28 PM[center][/center]I agree with Svanya to best keep them separated. I haven't read the novel in a very longtime as well, LOL. Even though radioactive dust makes an area dangerous, or uninhabitable doesn't mean that it would lack a human population. There are more than enough real-life examples of such a travesty occurring, or even in-progress. Best check why that type of dust is a problem, & how exactly it can adversely affect a person's health. Or what are 'hot particles'?
In the context of the film, I believe the darkened enviroment of L.A. is due to massive pollution, or maybe Decks there is simply a night owl (or replicants are vampires, LOL). And no androids (according to Ridley). I read a theory that was based on the supposeded 'acid rain' in the film. It had do with that everyone that wasn't a replicant, would be wearing a hat outside ...& the replicant characters aren't ever (the reasoning being it wouldn't harm their scalp). Interesting, but never gave it much thought beyond initially reading it. And as it stands, I don't believe there is any evidence to support the idea that everyone on Earth, is a replicant (all versions of the film).
Thanks Pulserifle187 + Svanya. ^_^
Bonus links:
[url=]Galaxy Express 999[/url]
[url=]Total Dickhead: Were Only Made Out Of Dust[/url]

MemberNoobMay-10-2013 7:40 AMThanks svanya and sawa. The city culture of bladerunner is totally fascinating, a well blended culture of nationalities and languages. Both bleak and dystopian. When I think about living in darkness it reminds me of people that live in the artic circle. They spend 2 or 3 month a year in darkness, apparently they lose all track of time and plays havoc with normal human functions . Some get depressed and/or go slightly insane.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

MemberNoobMay-16-2013 1:47 AM[center][img][/img]
The eggs hatched... And? And a hundred baby chicks came-out. [url=]And they ate us.[/url][/center]
Bonus link:
[url=]Curse of the Colonel[/url]
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