Whats your favorite cut of Blade Runner?

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MemberNoobOct-21-2012 12:09 AM
I personally love the visuals from the workprint, as well as the alternate score. I hate the narration though. Between the Final cut and workprint im torn...i would love to piece together my favorite scenes from all the cuts and make my own version, is that sacreligious of me?
6 Replies


Member2KOct-22-2012 12:29 PM
It's rare for a film to have so many versions. I think it's wonderful to be able to choose from five different cuts. I was used to the UK Theatrical version with voice-over, so it didn't bother me unduly. Over time it's been great to see all of the new cuts & I do have a preference for the Workprint & the Final Cut. I would have loved more scenes with Gaff & for the Holden hospital scenes to have been included. I'm happy watching all of them though. As Blade Runner in any form is still head & shoulders above most Sci-fi.


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberNoobOct-22-2012 5:07 PM
I totally agree, head and shoulders!!! And while i am not a fan of the narration, i do find it amusing that harrison felt hatred tword having to narrate it, as well as having to slightly hide his hate when recording. So in the end it kind of backfired because the distaste in his voice kinda goes with the mood of the environment. Im not against a good narrative, but the grade A moron who wrote it says cheesy lines like: I had a belly full a killin, and calling Gaff a brown noser, Gaff is mucho COOL!!! And wife sushi line sucks! I could go but, i do watch all 5 versions and enough that i have to admit im a geek. ;)


Admin2KOct-23-2012 4:28 PM
I love the 1992 director's cut of Blade Runner that was released in theatres. I never liked the narration so that cut made me very happy and I liked that ending better too. :)

Albert West

MemberNoobOct-25-2012 7:09 AM
i am also a fan of the 1992 director's cut. I remember watching the cut for the first time and I had to watch the original narrated version that I had on video at the time. What I found was that the narration was a distraction. The 1992 cut allowed the visuals to tell the story. I saw Blade Runner when it first came out at the drive-in. I was ten years old sitting in the back seat of my parents car just glued to the big screen. The sound was really poor quality because of the crappy speakers that you hung from the car window. But the visuals were amazing....


MemberNoobOct-31-2012 12:54 AM
I'm working my way through the directors cut on Blu Ray as time permits.I've gotta say I'm not dissapointed.I agree that the naration is a distraction but combined with the quality of Blu Ray I'm actually noticing things I've never seen before. For example:The people sitting next to Decker at the sushi bar.There's a really interesting punk rock girl in there. When Pris has her arms around Sabastian while he's talking to Roy.There's a ballerina in the background turning her head.Stuff like that :)


MemberNoobNov-03-2012 2:46 PM
for me Zhora chasing on the streets and ending fight between Dechard and Roy Batty.
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