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MemberNoobOct-02-2012 9:42 AMI just wondering about mistery woman lying a full bathtub that appears
on disc 4 from Collector's Edition, I'm calling
this image/ segment "Scott's Ophelia".
I made this picture compositon long time ago,
to clear my point of view. Hope you like it.
"Cinema and art connection":
8 Replies
Admin2KOct-02-2012 1:14 PMShe is not dead, nor is she a woman technically. From what I understand she is one of Sebastians creations/dolls he has littered all over his appartment.
However, your connecting her to Ophelia is very creative and poetic. :)
Here the video with that lady in the tub in Sebastians appartment: [url=]Blade Runner : never before seen deleted scene (Woman in Bathtub)[/url]
MemberNoobOct-02-2012 2:49 PMthe truth it's a bit creepy, if not a woman and not dead, I guess I will be a lying spirit or ghost on the water. Good capture, thank for your info.
MemberNoobOct-02-2012 9:52 PMI watched video, but I think is not very accurate, she is a doll?, another sources are refering to the sixth replicant, with the appearance of an American housewife 50.
It's funny because other websites are pointing to the fact that she is the "sixth replicant" called "Mary", Stacey Nelkin actress.
In the Second Draft of the script, Deckard finds her dead body on a bed in the Bradbury apartment. Probably changed to a bathtub when filmed.
Admin2KOct-03-2012 7:44 AM@Montesco; In the the 2007 do***entary "Dangerous Days-Making Blade Runner - Blush Response: Assembling the Cast" both Stacey Nelkin (the actress that was supposed to play Mary) and Ridley Scott confirm that because of the writers strike and budget limits the part of Mary, a 5th replicant not 6th, was cut from the movie. No scenes with her character were ever filmed.
Here is the video: [url=]Replicant Mary role cut from the movie[/url]
[i]"It's funny because other websites are pointing to the fact that she is the "sixth replicant" called "Mary", Stacey Nelkin actress." (Montesco)[/i]
"In the Second Draft of the script, Deckard finds her dead body on a bed in the Bradbury apartment. Probably changed to a bathtub when filmed". (Montesco)[/i]
On the other site you are referring to, the guy who made those comment later says he might be wrong about what he initially said about the body in the tub being Mary. [url=]"Blade Runner" question - dead woman in a bathtub?[/url]
[i]08-10-2008, 05:59 AM
"There was another replicant, named Mary, iirc, who had one or two scenes in the film which were ultimately cut. Pretty sure it's her in the scene you describe. In the Second Draft of the script I own, Deckard finds her dead body on a bed in the Bradbury apartment. Probably changed to a bathtub when filmed.
There's an interview with the actress who played Mary on the four disc set. She was the runner-up for Pris, so they gave her Mary as a consolation." (Sir Rhosis)[/i]
08-10-2008, 06:08 AM
"Now, I'm doubting my memory of having watched the extras on that four disc set. Wikipeida's entry on actress Stacey Nelkin says the role of Mary was cut before filming began.
But I coulda sworn that she said in the interview that she filmed a scene or partial scene before the part was cut.
So, I may or may not be right in my answer to your question."(Sir Rhosis)[/i]
Admin2KOct-03-2012 11:56 AM@Montesco; I'm going to use my detective skills to figure out this mystery once and for all if it's possible, to find out who exactly is the woman in the tub.
Btw, where did your beautiful picture go ?
MemberNoobOct-03-2012 10:53 AMYou caught me! Interesting info. There are many questions unsolved about this topic. I will not enter into polemic, but the chasing scene could have been better, it gives some touch poetic and artistic. At least for me.
MemberNoobOct-03-2012 5:10 PMWould be great if you bring us some clarity of this topic. Unfortunetly I ve lost the track of my picture. I pressed "eraser" button by mistake, and can not find in my PC is missing,
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