How to Post Images

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AdminAtmanOct-17-2012 8:36 PM

Follow the instructions set out below to add images to your posts. 

UPDATE: You can now upload images directly from your computer to Scified! 

To post images from external sources (other websites) follow the instructions below:

On and most of our network sites we have upgraded to a WYSIWYG text editor. WISIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get, which means our new editor gives you a real-time preview of (most of) what your post will look like once you post.

Simple Method

Right click any image on a web page and select "Copy Image" from the menu that appears. Then in our sites WYSIWYG editor left click where you want your image to appear and hold down your Ctrl Key and then press your V key.

Advanced Method

Step 1. To add images to your post click the image icon in the toolbar of the text editor, this icon looks like this...

Step 2. Clicking on the icon like the image above, will display the following dialog box...

Step 3. Open the website displaying your image in another tab on your web browser, right click on your image and select one of the following options...

  • If using Google Chrome - select Copy Image URL
  • If using Firefox - select Copy Image Location
  • At this time, Internet Explorer has no option to grab and images web address

Step 4. Now click the field for source in the Insert/edit image dialog box (pictured above), hold down the ctrl key on your laptop/PC's keyboard and then press the V key on your keyboard, alternatively you can right click in the field for source and select Paste (each browser has this option).

Step 5. This will paste the web address of your image into the source field. The address should start like any other website with the text http:// but, being an image it will have to end in either of the following...

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .png
  • .gif
  • .bmp

So for example, if you are using Imgur to host your images, and your image is a .png file, your link will look similar to the image below, but with a slightly different address...

Step 6. You do not need to add any more information in the Insert/edit image dialog box. Click the blue OK button (as pictured above) and your image should now be displayed in the WYSIWYG editor. If your image does not display ensure the address ends in the text mentioned in instruction Step 5. 

PLEASE NOTE: If the image you have inserted (following the above instructions) is wider than 600 pixels and/or taller than 400 pixels it will appear large in the editor - DONT WORRY, when you have finished your post your image will be automatically resized to be displayed in your post.

Follow the above instructions for each and every image you wish to add to your post, and when you are finished click the required button to finish your post - such as ADD RELPY or START DISCUSSION.

BBcode is NO LONGER used on most of our websites. Only use BBcode if the text editor is different than that of the one on Scified.

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