Mad Max Fury Road Member's Scripts

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Albert West

MemberNoobNov-27-2012 8:31 PM
I have written a fun script about Max and Fido, Max's Great Dane companion. Feel free to elaborate on my script or write one of your own.
8 Replies

Albert West

MemberNoobNov-27-2012 8:36 PM
[img][/img] Here is an idea for Fury Road [u]The Adventures of Max and Fido[/u] Max and Fido are coasting across the desert in the Interceptor. They are looking for the mythological Inland Sea. Car runs out of juice. Max grabs saddle from back seat and begins loading Fido up with canned dog food and water. Mounted, Max and Fido gallop in the direction of North. Bad guys see dog and rider in the distance. They all jump into their cars; there is over one hundred of them. The bad guys catch up with Max and Fido. An epic battle takes place with dog and rider being the victors; Max's double-barrel shot gun red-hot and smoking, Fido's jaw aches from all the biting. Max and Fido continue their inland journey. Days pass. Water is gone and Max and FIdo have shared their last can of dog food. Just when viewers think that our heroes will die in the desert Max spots abandoned Kombie van. The Kombie is colorful and groovy but at the same time battered and rustic. Two long-boards are atop, along with four eskies. No sign of life in sight... There is plenty of food and water in the van and it is not long before our stars are feeling better and ready to continue their journey. Now Max and Fido are cruising in the Kombie; human hair and dog ears flapping in the wind. More bad guys show up; this time there are a thousand of them. Max puts Bob Marley and the Wailers in the cassette deck and bad guys and bad girls stop their cars, drop their weapons and start dancing. Long live reggae. Now we reach the pointy end of the movie. Max and Fido find the Inland Sea. The final scene shows them hanging ten over beautiful waves of blue, green and white.... The sun sets... Queue Bob Marley's "Is This love"..... Roll credits..... Dogs and owners in the house bark and cry for an encore...


Co-AdminMemberNoobNov-27-2012 11:15 PM
Thanks AW, that is an interesting take on a Max story for sure. Never thought I'd ever imagine Max surfing... or jamming out to Marley, but one never knows. The possibilities are endless. The idea of Fido the Dane is pretty tight, I'd like to see him intimidate some wasters! I will certainly come up with a scene from the upcoming movie Fury Road for your thread here, when I get the time! Thanks again! And I encourage everyone to write down what they'd like to see in the new Mad Max film!
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Albert West

MemberNoobNov-28-2012 2:39 AM
lols I appreciate your constructive criticism Freeze. There will be some tense moments between Fido and desert scoundrels and I will make sure there is some graphic carnage footage. The Inland Sea concept was a belief that early Australian explorers shared back in the 18th century. A few of them perished in the desert trying to find this mythical sea. On a serious note, I am a huge Mad Max fan and I am very much looking forward to the next movie installment. I live in Australia and I have been fortunate enough to see a lot of bushland locations. The bushland viewers see in the Mad Max movies is the land that I myself have driven across. Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory and parts of New South Wales all have desert conditions. It is very easy to visualize an Apocalyptic world in these landscapes when you drive across them. I know some people would think of desert as boring, but I am always in awe when traveling through deserts.... i look forward to more posts. Albert.


Co-AdminMemberNoobNov-28-2012 6:19 PM
Ah, nice to know Albert! Makes a ton of sense to me now! I will look up the Inland Sea, a lot of poor souls search was in vain apparently. Glad to know Max found the legendary shore then! In more than one way would be a proper resting place, dead or alive. Thanks for giving me a little light into your experience growing up in Australia, I've always wanted to visit. I've been to the deserts here in the States, and I find that environment beautiful as well. Same here, I look forward to more post from you as well! Cheers!
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Social LiasonMemberNoobNov-29-2012 4:29 PM
FADE IN EXTERIOR ULURU –RED ROCK [img][/img] A large Lizard stares as he warms himself on the warm earth Heat ripples rise from a sweltering barren ground [img][/img] INTERIOR-ULURU-DARK CAVE Tankgirl is listening to an Ancient Aboriginal Elder from the Anangu tribe He is describing the cave drawing and she is spell bound [img][/img] At last.... She thinks she may have found the map to the Legendary Inland Sea Thanking the Elder she hands him one of her most treasured possessions a beautiful Opal The opal is the only gemstone that can diffract white light into a rainbow and she knows this one has ancient powers It is time for her to leave She whistles for Jonsey her dog He leaps enthusiastically into the front seat of her Apocalypse Bug She knows that time is running out Last night she saw the fires on the horizon and heard the roaring of engines and plumes of dust They are gaining on her [img][/img] She checks her supplies Fuel-Dinky Di –Ammo FIVE HOURS LATER [img][img][/img] Roaring through the Desert The blistering sun is relentless Tankgirl blinks twice she sees a Vehicle Up ahead Is it a mirage?? She slow down and circles.... Jonsey Growls…. Its an Abandoned Interceptor!!!! [img][/img] Then she hears the Rumbling Roar Looking in the rear vision she sees them in the distance they have found her trail [img][/img]
\"My God, its full of stars\" David Bowman

Albert West

MemberNoobNov-29-2012 8:41 PM
Great script Tank Girl. As I was reading and looking at the pictures I was right there with you in the desert. I like the way you incorporate the Aboriginal people into your story. My grandfather and one of my aunties spent a lot of their lives working with Aboriginal tribes in South Australia and Northern Territory. That Interceptor looks like the 1:18 scale model that I have. The model comes with Max's Blue Healer, a spare tire, two jerry-cans and cans of dog food. I am now tempted to find a sand pit and bury my Interceptor; a sort-of reinactment. May I add that the Apocalyptic Tank Girl looks stunning. And the Bug is very very cool. Does Jonsey the dog know Jonsey the cat? Different movies, I know, but obviously they are both professional actors who may have crossed paths. When I was a child I lived in Alice Springs for five years and had the opportunity of visiting Uluru on three occasions. Each visit I climbed the rock. It was an amazing experience. There are amazing sites in the Northern Territory. One time my parents and I traveled four hours across desert to a location called Palm Valley. When we got there we saw these tall palms in a rocky valley. The palms surrounded a water-hole (a natural spring from the Great Artesian basin). The temperature was close to 40 degrees C and I wanted to swim in the watering hole, but my father warned me not to because of the temperature variation of the air and the water. When he wasn't looking I jumped in and the cold water put my body into a state of shock. I couldn't breath. My father dove in after me and dragged me out of the water. The temperature of the water must have been around 10 degrees. Palm Valley was a real oasis, paradise in the desert. One more question Tanky: Will there be more installments?


Social LiasonMemberNoobNov-29-2012 9:14 PM
Thankss Albert! : D I thought adding the Aboriginal people was important they are such an amazing and ancient race of peoples Im sure they would be able to live through an Apocalypse and they certainly know the land! You have an Interceptor model!!!! so cool!!! I tried to find a Tankgirl image that looked like it was in Auzzie and I think she looks pretty cool if you ask me! yup!! Yea..Jonsey the dog ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I gotta get my Scifi link in there somehow ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you are so lucky to live in such a magical place as Australia such a diverse epic we are also lucky in NZ so much beautiful wild nature but in Australia its just SO much bigger... and your story about Palm Valley is incredible!! Im so glad your Dad saved you! so I could get to meet you! : ) OK better start thinking of the next installment... somehow I gotta get away from the Scavenger tribe of at least outrun them and Im following the cave drawing to the inland sea I was thinking of towing the Interceptor but that could be tricky hmmmm looking forward to a surf with you and Fido If I make it........ : )
\"My God, its full of stars\" David Bowman

Albert West

MemberNoobNov-30-2012 7:09 PM
Thank you for the compliments TG. :-) I look forward to the next episode of Tank Girl and Jonsey. Max and Fearless Fido will be watching from the sidelines, cheering both of you onwards.....
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