The undisputed king of modern day horror, the aptly named Stephen King is enjoying somewhat of a revival with a TV serial adaptation of his novella The Mist coming in June to Spike TV and a big screen adaptation of his classic novel It titled It Part One: The Losers Club hitting theaters this September, with the second part subtitled Pennywise planned, but with no release date set.
To be released almost between these two re-adaptations is the first ever adaptation of Stephen King's most epic work; his eight book series The Dark Tower. A big screen adaptation of the same name is set to explode into theaters this August with Hollywood heavyweights Idris Elba cast as the enigmatic Gunslinger Roland Deschain, and Matthew McConaughey cast as the deliciously evil Man in Black (AKA Walter Padick).
Danish Director Nikolaj Arcel has described the movie as both an adaptation of and a sequel to the bestselling series of novels. Produced by King and Hollywood legend Ron Howard, with a pounding score from Mad Max Fury Road's Junkie XL (Tom Holkenborg) The Dark Tower could very well be a surprise hit this summer, especially if, like in the novels, the movie features identifiable easter eggs of Kings other works.