Godzilla Movie

UPDATE: Kong: Skull Island Monster Specs & Bios

Scified2017-02-17 06:40:52https://www.scified.com/articles/kong-skull-island-monster-specs-19.jpg
Written by Chris72,881 Reads17 Comments2017-02-17 06:40:52

Warner Brothers Japan have released new promotional images and information on the Monsters of Kong: Skull Island. The specs include each monster's height, overall weight and a very brief bio. When new stats are available for other Skull Island creatures, we will be sure to post them up!

King Kong

King Kong

Height: 31.6 meters

Weight: 158 tons

The guardian of Skull Island, Kong is very young. His parents were killed by the creatures of Skull Island.

Skull Crawler

Skull Crawler

Height: 3.65-28.95 meters

Weight: 40-100 tons

Giant snake-like creatures with powerful arms and skull-like faces. They are Kong's nemesis. They hunt in packs and reside underground.

Mother Longlegs

Length: 5-7 meters

Giant spiders living in the bamboo forest of Skull Island. Their legs blend in perfectly with the bamboo, towering at the same height as the trees. Their web is as strong as iron.

Sker Buffalo

Length: 13 meters

Horn length: 19 meters

Weight: 22 tons

A quiet and gentle creature. It can survive underwater for several days at a time and its body can blend in perfectly with its surroundings.

Thanks to Alex Valdez for the tip!
Warner Bros. Japan Official Twitter

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MemberTitanosaurusFeb-17-2017 9:01 AM

Sweet! So Kong is 104 feet tall and the Skull Crawlers can range from 12-95 feet tall. I love it when DaiKaiju films give the monsters stats and I hope the rest of the creatures in this film get stats too. 

The King of the Monsters

MemberBaragonFeb-17-2017 11:41 AM

So far, my best guess for the English approximation of the buffalo's name is "Skele-Buffalo." That may not be the creature's official English name though, since the Mother Longlegs are called "Bamboo Spiders" in Japan.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaFeb-17-2017 11:49 AM

I'm assuming Mother Longlegs is the name of a specific Bamboo Spider for right now. Will adjust if I'm proven wrong.

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganFeb-17-2017 12:15 PM

No V.rex?

The King of the Monsters

MemberBaragonFeb-17-2017 12:26 PM

The Monarch clip seems to indicate that all of them are called "Mother Longlegs." It uses that name and says they range in height from 18-23 feet and that they are an "all-female species."

The King of the Monsters

MemberBaragonFeb-17-2017 12:28 PM

@Linkin Park-ified Darth Tyrant Jordan Vogt-Roberts has made it clear they set out to have new monsters instead of dinosaurs in the film. In fact, he even specifically mentioned the fact that he felt the V-Rex battle from 2005 was so great that he didn't want to try and one-up it.


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-17-2017 1:51 PM

Not sure how I feel about the names of the spider and buffalo. But they'll probably grow on me.


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-17-2017 5:24 PM

@The King of he Monsters That makes sense, the scene was amazing and never will be done as well


MemberBaragonFeb-18-2017 4:56 AM

so.. if Kong is 104 feet tall in this 1970's back drop movie.. how tall will he be in 2018  or 2020 when he faces 355 foot tall Godzilla? Unless he fight with Godzilla against another for.. say Ghidorah.


MemberBaragonFeb-18-2017 5:14 AM

Even in the original KKvG Kong was noticeably smaller, but that's still a pretty big growth spurt he has to hit to make it even close. 


MemberBaragonFeb-18-2017 7:26 AM

the thing about G 2014 is we never seen all the fighting scenes.. and we don't know how many times G used his atomic breath.. so maybe we'll see it more in his battle with other Kaiju.. and possibly against Kong.. but I suspect that the theme of the K vs G movie will be similar to B vs S .. what you think ? And Kong at 104 feet would not be a match for G.. unless you liken it to a 3 foot dwarf fighting a a 5 foot man.. which is plausible... but I think we know who would have an advantage.. but Kong will be a fan favorite just like G.. so I don't think there will be a loser between them.. but It would make for great fighting action to see them take on Ghidorah.. or some other kaiju that is canon.


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-18-2017 8:04 PM

*RR44 Since Ghidorah will most likley be the villain of Godzilla King of The Monsters it'll probably be a different Kaiju. Heck they may make up some insane ultra kaiju just for Kong Versus Godzilla. 


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-18-2017 8:40 PM

Godzilla 2014 Himself- I could see them using MechaGodzilla in Godzilla vs. Kong.  


MemberAnguirusFeb-19-2017 11:18 AM

Kong is young, so it could be assumed he will grow before 2019. Somewhere around 240 feet is plausible? My only concern is his weight, he weighs 158 tons. Even if he grows twice as large or maybe even more, how is he going to compare to Godzilla who is 90 000 tons plus. He is going to be tossed around like a rag doll if he weighs that little in comparison.


MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-21-2017 12:09 AM

Woah woah woah hold on you don't get to RENAME the monsters, what the hell? World of Kong covered every monster from the original film except the cave serpent and the linnorm, and now they gave the linnorm a name in this one, and that's pretty great. A name for the dragon from Son of Kong would be even better but you take what you can get. But the spider-crab from the spider-pit scene was apart of that (as was the pig-lizard) and its been named Arachnocidis for 12 years now.

You can't just tell me 12 years later that the name I've been using since I was still in high school is being replaced by "Mother Longlegs," which is, by the way, an awful name. What the hell, man? :/ It would be one thing if it was just some super obscure creature but Arachnocidis is the big bad of the spider-pit sequence and has enormous historical importance and is something people spend the better part of their lives searching for. As a film that pays so much fan service to the previous films, this seems like a slap in the face.

...seriously, "Mother Longlegs?" Ugh. Next thing you'll be telling me they're renaming Oodako, too. :T

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganFeb-21-2017 1:43 PM

^Straight on


MemberBaragonFeb-21-2017 3:27 PM

I don't see a problem renamed the monsters since this is a different version of skull island that we're going to be seeing

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