Review Transformers: Age of Extinction film review by MurderOfCrows

Written By MurderOfCrows on 2014-07-18 16:11:41
I struggled between a 3 or 4/5.
To give this film a little slack I'll talk about what I'd say is the bad stuff first:
- Galvatron seemed a bit of a waste. It was interesting but it was like "Here is Galvatron, he does things. End."
- Stinger was also a waste, or sting I dont know. (Prooves my point)
He was just kind of introduced like Galvatron but then wasn't even seen as much as Galvatron.
- The humans built Galvatron.
- It feels like the Dinobots could have been better than they were. They were voiceless and were only introduced towards the end.
- The writing feels it was kind of rushed or lazy, stuff kind of happened.
- Some explosions were overdone and unneccesary.
- That scene where the KSI guy was showing off the transformer material and transformed it into a music thing (called the pill or something, seriously its like the ultimate product placement device, it's hilarious)
Good stuff:
- Lockdown has been a better villain than any in the last 3 movies.
- The group of autobots are the best represenations of autobots. They actually have some sort of personality and interact like they have personality. (Better than the last 3 movies)
- For what they were, the Dinobots were cool.
- Frank Welker voicing Galvatron and sounding like Galvatron/Megatron.
- The action scenes.
Overall I prefer this movie to the last 3. People shouldn't watch this expecting a lot (I mean character stuff, it is on for 2 hours and 37 mins, don't expect solid story and character things)