Review Transformers: Age of Extinction film review by NextGojiraKing93

Written By NextGojiraKing93 on 2014-07-17 14:31:16
I have to say I am extremely dissapointed in this movie. I have learned my lesson of watching Michael Bay's Transformers films and so far all sequel Transformers movies didn't give me nothing of excitement and fun. Michael Bay's Transformers movie franchise keeps on getting worse & worse. The Transformers movie franchise deserves better if it wasn't for Michael Bay directing this garbage film. Here are the reasons why I didn't like his new movie but first I will talk about the very few postitive things about Transformers 4.
Some of the actors like Mark Wahlberg and Stanley Tucci did a pretty good job with their acting in this film. Some of the voice actors like Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, Frank Welker as Galvatron,Ken Watanabe as Drift, and John Goodman as Hound were good. Some of the actions scenes were cool. And here's my negative part of my review.
The film was 2 hours and 45 minutes long. Some of the supporting cast in the film were completly flat. The writing in this film was written bad. The explosions were overused in the film. There was alot of product placement. Some of the slo-mo effects were used alot in some actions scenes. The dinobots were cool but they were at the end of film which was a huge disappointment fo this film. Optimus Prime was not the same character I once knew grewing up loving, he was a psychopath.
In conclusion, this movie is by far the worse Transformers sequel movie of the Transformers movie franchise. I hope in Transformers 5, someone can replace Michael Bay for someone who can direct a better movie of Transformers.