Review Transformers: Age of Extinction film review by Silver_Falcon

Written By Silver_Falcon on 2014-06-30 16:45:35
I first would like to clarify that I didn't hate this movie, but it had its ups, and alot of downs.
Let's get into what I liked.
The Action scenes where good, and where far superior to any in the other three films.
The transformations where awesome, especially as we finally got to see them in their entirety.
Dinobots. Why? Because dinobots.
The humans. Instead of just getting in the way, being annoying and taking up too much screen time, the new cast actually fought against the villains, and provided some actual content to the movie. The humans also filled the role of villains, but I can't get into that without spoiling the entire movie.
The new autobots. This time, michael bay actually took the time to give some character to EVERY autobot. Not just Bumblebee and Optimus.
The CGI was some of the best I've ever seen.
The humor. Yeah sure, it was nothing new, and you've heard it all before, but it had me, as well as the entire theatre laughing out loud.
Now to the bad:
Lack of any real story. This movie is basically the shining image of a michael bay film. A whole lot of explosions, not alot of story, plotholes everywhere, action action action. It also didn't feel complete.
Too long. This movie is nearly three hours long, and id say a good 20 minutes of it wasn't even necessary, or just hurt the film.
Bad CGI. Although it was beyond good most of the time, there where a handful of scenes where the CGI was absolutely terrible. (most notable being on lockdown's ship and when a villian gets shoved out a window by Cade)
The progressive orangening of Tessa. Watch the movie and this one will make sense.
Galvatron's lack of character development. All we really get to know about him is that he is sort of megatron but not entirely but he has megatron's soul or something and is bad?
Again, I didn't hate the movie, and would even go as far as to say that it is the best Transformers movie yet. But it didn't feel complete and was obviously made to set the stage for the next movie.