Review Transformers: Age of Extinction film review by Gojira2K

Written By Gojira2K on 2014-06-29 10:07:21
I loved this movie. It had a great plot that could opened up to new movies. The casting was great. Mark Wahlberg was much better than Shia Labeouf. Stanley Tucci character, Joshua, was hilarious, as was John Goodman's character Hound. Ken Watanabe's character, Drift, was great, as was Crosshairs. Bumblebee was great, much better than the first three. His car form was AWESOME!!! Optimus Prime did have his moments. T.J. Miller's character, Lucas, I could have done without, although (spoilers here) His death was a little brutal, and kind of sad. (spoilers end here.) Shane was funny and a pretty good chracter. Tessa wasn't bad, better than the first two girls in the first three movies. Lockdown was awesome! Galvatron's storyline for this movie is pretty ingenious and also makes it so he can return in future movies. The best part in the movie were the Dinobots. I only wish they were in the movie longer. They were only at the end!
The storyline was pretty good. It was a good way to get a fresh start from the first three movies. There wasn't anything really thing wrong with it. I only wish they brought the Dinobots in sooner and that Galvatron would have been in it more. Other than that it was pretty good, would definitely watch it again. Will definitely get it when it comes out on Blu-Ray.