Review Alien: Covenant film review by Iceman Engineer

Written By Iceman Engineer on 2017-08-25 15:10:00
A few things about the scenario, I think that it could shed some lights:
Date when the film is showing space travel:
- December the 5th 2104
- It's time to recharg the ship by deploying solar sails now
1. Planet number 4 in the Zeta II Reticuli system:
- Early located by David 8 and Dr E.Shaw 10 years ago
- Located by Covenant crew afer waking up from hypersleep, as follow:
- from their position, location:
- 87 Sector
- Right ascension: 47.6, so 3 hours, 10 minutes and 24 seconds as RA
- Declination: 24.3, so +24°30'
- Old Star system with 1 sun and 5 planets
- Planet number 4 in the Zeta II Reticuli system (as seen in the film Alien Covenant Map shown by Mother)
- 0.96G surface with oceans and land mass
- High probably of living biospher
- Few weeks to reach, so around Jan-Feb 2115, not enough to come back to hypersleep
2. Origae-6:
- Located from earth
- remaining time to reach, 7 years and 4 months to reach, so around April 2023
- remaining are 8 solar sails deployment: so the ship can use their battery with an autonomy of 11 months
- Spent a decade to find it so at least it was December 2094 when they had started to search for it
- Auriga constellation is the one
- If we think that Covenant is quicker than Prometheus, then the most probable star system corresponding to host Origae-6 should be: Mahasim (Theta Aurigae)
- It is located 173 LY from earth
- Based on my calculations and extrapolations, it would mean that it took around 22 months to reach Planet number 4 echo signal, so 1 year and 10 months
- There's only 3 weeks to reach Planet number 4
3. LV-233:
LV-223 is one of three known moons of the gas giant Calpamos, orbiting the star Zeta II Reticuli, located in the Zeta Reticuli system in Reticulum constellation.
The moon has a large system of mountains, deserts and valleys.
To reach it from earth took:
- 2 years, 4 months, 18 days, 36 hours, 15 minutes was the first travel time for Prometheus
- Reached destination around December the 21st 2093, so left earth around July the 31st 2091
- Distance from earth was 3.27*10^14 KM, so AVG speed had been more than 14.5 times LS to reach the destination
4. LV-426:
LV-426 is one of three known moons orbiting the planet Calpamos, located in the Zeta II Reticuli system, 39 light years from Earth (1 LY = 9.4607 × 10^12).
The moon is christened by human colonists as Acheron.
5. Calpamos: Planet number 5 in the Zeta II Reticuli system
Calpamos is a ringed gas giant which is the fifth planet from the star Zeta2 in Zeta Reticuli.
Strong hypothesis:
David 8 will go back to LV-223 on the next Alien, because it is too long to reach origae-6.
He will discover another sleeping engineer (as there was plenty of laboratory) and this engineer will serve to birth a queen.
Juggernaut will crash into LV-426 and engineer will try out to inform NOT to come.