Review Alien: Covenant film review by Protista

Written By Protista on 2017-05-16 02:01:53
These are just some of my issues with the movie.
1) The movie turned into a Marvel action film half way through with that Xeno and Daniels on the ship dick. I was expecting to see the Avengers fly in to help. What a terrible scene that was.
2) The engineer home world doesn't make sense. Why do their buildings and the way they dress appear simple and primitive, but yet they have all this technology. The mother ship hovering over the temple felt like it didn't belong to the world, like it was just passing by. It felt like Roman Empire mixed with Blade Runner. There was no in between. Everything was either very simple alongside very complex technology. Not very believable.
3) Why did Ridley reduce the engineers to a bunch of primitive barbarian cave men waving and shouting at the arrival of the Juggernaut? We got the impression they were a highly advanced society that created humans with holographic technology in Prometheus. This vibe was shattered in Covenant because the engineers appeared too casual, vulnerable and human like (but in a bad lazy way). Ridley made a bad decision to reveal the engineer home world because it broke all the mystery surrounding the engineers by reducing them into nothingness.
4) It would have been nice to see more interaction between Shaw, David and the engineers like at the end of Prometheus with Wayland. Going by how many views engineer YouTube videos have, this is what most wanted to see, so Ridley made a bad decision not to do this. The juggernaut should have landed at the temple where shaw and David walk out to see all the engineers gather around them. A leader engineer walks to shaw, touches her head and speaks (nice to see engineer emotions and body language), then turns to face the crowd of engineers to ask them a question. The crowd shout and the leader killls shaw, leaving David to escape in the jugganaunt, which then links to the scene in the movie where David drops the black goo on them all as payback for killing shaw - something like this would have been great to see.
5) Why did the juggernaut crash land after David had deployed the black goo? Either he simply lost control of the ship himself, which is highly unlikely given that he is an Android (no human error). Or did the larger engineer mother shop hovering over the temple Retaliate in some way, causing the juggernaut to crash land. This suggests that some of the engineers in the mother ship might have survived? If so, where did they go? If not, why the need for the big mother ship to begin with? It must have been included for a reason else why waste time and money to create it?
6) The most jarring disconnect in the movie was that scene with Daniels making a pancake or something very involved after what she had been through on the ground up to that point. I mean, she seemed so content and unnaturally focused on cooking, and was joking around and lauhung when Tennessee came to join her in the kitchen. This was a very odd and out of place scene because she appeared do disaffected by all the death and psychological damage that would have happened in the scenes prior on the ground.