Review Pacific Rim film review by Andysx91

Written By Andysx91 on 2013-07-14 10:22:05
Whether your the hardcore giant mech and monster enthusiast or the average summer movie viewer, Pacific Rim has something for everyone. It is a movie that has multiple layers of appeal. On the surface you get the summer action blockbuster smash-em-up. Below that is a love story between two flawed people struggling to save our world. Go down even further and you discover a rich mythos that has been painstakingly created to support this new universe (though unfortunately you don't get to see as much of it in the film as some would have liked). It was a joy to watch and I plan on seeing it again.
All that being said, it was not perfect. On occasion the script fell flat and , because of the constraints of time, some details were glossed over that would have helped the average viewer understand the story a bit better. Despite those faults, there is plenty in this film to love. Even the soundtrack was amazing, beautifully lacing each scene with emotion.
All in all, I would recommend this movie to anyone regardless of age or gender. Why? Because in the end, it was just plain fun to watch :-)