Review The Lost World: Jurassic Park film review by Lugia44

Written By Lugia44 on 2015-06-09 16:05:24
I really loved this movie! This one is my favorite out of the Jurassic Park series. I really enjoyed how they brought back Ian Malcolm to be the center character. John Hammond reveals that there was another island were he initally bred the dinosaurs and then transported them to the island that had the actual park. Ian and some other guys go the the island to film and research the dinosaurs in their habitat. Of course, Ian repeats that this is a bad idea: "Oh 'ooh aah', that's how it all starts. Later there's running, and then screaming..." All chaos insues at night time. Also there are these hunter guys that try to catch some of the dinosaurs and take them back to the United States. All hell breaks loose when they get a T. Rex to California. I really enjoyed how they had a T. Rex running around California for that last part of the movie and Ian had to lure it back to the ship with it's baby that got injured eariler in the movie.
This movie repeats a lot of the themes from the first movie. The whole humans should not try to play God and bring back a species that had it's chance already. The Lost World: Jurassic Park has more action than the first Jurassic Park movie. It's a great movie to watch if you have seen the first Jurassic Park, but not this one.