Review Godzilla film review by True American Godzilla
![True American Godzilla](/pics/21450.jpg)
Written By True American Godzilla on 2014-07-19 20:02:42
When I first heard of this film, I like many others were excited by the fact that America got another chance to make a Godzilla movie. As soon as I heard a novelization of the movie was coming out I chose to read it first and then, if I liked it, would watch the movie. I'm personally glad I did this, for the movie was terrible! See the book version has a LOT of human story/character development along with the creatures. You got to know the main characters personally as the monsters invade their world. I even got lots of great Godzilla scenes, and it described how his Atomic Breath works. It was the novelization that got me into the Legendary Picture's Godzilla concept making me want to see the movie.
The movie itself however was poor by comparison. Huge portions of the human side of the story were either dropped or cut completely. We don't get that inside look into their lives and care about them. Instead we are briefly introduced to them and expect to like them as they're attacked. Those scenes don't make much sense due to this dramatic cut of the human-side of the story. And for the creatures, we BARELY SEE THEM! Many of the kaiju scenes were also cut from the film vs the novelization. Even the 1954 and 199 scenes in the book were far longer and informative while the movie chopped huge portions and reduced it to like 5 minutes. In the movie, we don't even get a good idea on how Godzilla's Atomic Breath works!
The only parts of the movie that are good: seeing and hearing the MUTOs and Godzilla. Well, the movie does offer some additional scenes with them that the book lacks. It shows the Male MUTO offer the nuclear missile to the Female as a token of his affections. This isn't in the book but really should have. It explains the nuke in the nest site scene. Godzilla killing the Female MUTO with the "Kiss of Death" was actually a smart move considering the armor shell the MUTOs have. This too isn't in the book so I like it. So the book I rate a good 4 or 5, the movie... a 1!