Review Godzilla film review by Chelgri

Written By Chelgri on 2014-05-15 13:57:16
So I am at home now.
How should I start? The movie was absolutely amazing. It was absolutely what I expected. I loved the first part with Bryan Cranston, it pushes really and you want to get more because everything is so hidden and secret. The second part with the MUTOs was in total a little bit weaker, but few scenes like the male MUTO breaking out were breathtaking and pressing me into the seat :)
And the last part... well this can't be descriped with words. The CGI was the best ever seen in a movie, in my opinion (and my girlfriends and 2 other friends who were with me too) the best ever in a movie. Nothing can reach that, really. In the trailers there were a lot unfinished CGI scenes, I know that now after the film ^^
One negative aspect of the film were a few cutting errors, normally I don't recognize such things in films but here I saw for example the nuclear plant scene when Sandra runs away the cuttins where really bad and the same cutting mistake (one time she rans in front and next cut behind the two other workers) was 4 times in a row, that was a little bit annoying.
But in summary that doesn't weight, not like in other reviews for example I liked the fact that you are beeing teased a little bit by Gareth Edwads by not showing the great stuff until the end and cutting away in the middle part from fight beginnings. It's funny because in the last part you get everything :D
Everyone should watch this movie, it's a good balance of action, reality, drama and maybe a little bit horror :)
I give Godzilla 4,5 / 5